Thursday, January 19, 2017

Economic Enigmas : Directions, Criteria and SUBMISSIONS

A puzzle that seems to defy common sense
  • h
Follow these steps to write your article- AS A BLOG. Include visuals and charts.
BLOG-----  Follow these directions & criteria.
First log in to, with your google account.  

Next: Choose an economic enigma to research. Brainstorm with a neighbor and/or on line.  What is your question and/or hypothesis?
  • Is there something about peoples behavior that has always made you wonder?

FInd evidence, include visuals and quotations.

What principles help explain your enigma?

POST the link to your blog below in MY COMMENT SECTION!!!!!!!!
I highly recommend writing your article first draft as a google doc and then pasting it into with your visuals.  You can design your page then too
enigma examples:
Here are four economic enigma examples:.
• Why do economy seats on airplanes cost different
• Why do people pay more for name-brand products
when there are generic brands of the same product
available for less?
• Why do police officers get paid so much less than
professional baseball players?
• Why does a five-day Disneyland pass cost only

2.5 times what a one-day pass costs?
The write to be shown on the left side The write to be shown on the right side